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Pinhole camera .. By. rullyyphb
as the title suggests, this was indeed one way of taking photos using the cameraobject that came from a pinhole, the result? pretty ok, not inferior to the results of ordinary photos
with pocketcameras as well, even more creative and high artistic
merit!, but of course, on the material provided on Skills lessons in
high school YPHB PLUS is not only learning a great photo shoot only, One
is the creative use of junk materials ie cans of soft
drinks made goods have not lost competitiveness with today’s
modern technology,the skills to make the camera itself, and the
students here are also learning to ”washprint” results ”slingshot”
camera itself lhooo ..!
How to make it very easy, as it has been attempted by the high school students PLUS YPHB below.
Want to know how to make it? You can follow the stages below, yuk …
First we first prepare the necessary materials, not really complicated:
- Tin cans. (preferably with a lid).
- Canned soft drinks.
- Nail.
- Hammer.
- Needles pins.
- Scissors.
- Duct Tape black.
- Black Cat.
Well now ya stages of manufacture …
we first prepare the material that eventually we will call “lenses”
made of soft drinkcans that we cut a square approximately uk.
3X4 centimeters.
Then we had holes in the center of
the lens pake needle tip. (with enough holes inthe tip of the needle so
that the hole is not too large).
Then we create a camera:
- First we prepare a tin with a lid, we nail holes with the center. (approximately 6cmtall cans of base).
- We are the black paint inside the can and lid.
Merger and camera lenses.
- We stick with the camera lens can. (pinhole right with nail
holes in the cans). usingblack duct tape, (so that no light at all enter
into the cans).

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