Etymologically difficult to trace the origin of art he says, some think that art comes from the Sani (Sanskrit) which means adoration, pelayanana, offerings, word is closely related to religious ceremonies that eventually called art, but according to Padma Puspita word art comes from Dutch genie which in Latin is called genius meaning beyond basic skills inborn In the development of the arts continue to grow followed the pace with the times. Along with the development of a lot of definitions expressed by several experts including:
1. Everyman encyclopedia Art is something that people do not at the instigation of their basic needs, doing what is being done solely by the will for luxury, pleasure or spiritual needs.
2. Encyclopedia Indonesia Art is the creation of all things or objects that its beauty is happy to see or hear
3. Herbert Read Proficiency in the art of creating various forms for encouraging others
4. Plato That imitation of nature that art is an imitation of natural forms such as human animals and plants
5. Frederich Herhert Schiler and Spencer The background art was born the urge to play around that is within artists
6. Ki Hajar Dewantara Art is human actions that arise from feelings of life and beauty that can be soulful human feelings
7. Soedarso Sp Art of the man who communicates her inner experiences. Inner experience is presented in beautiful or interesting that stimulates inner experience also in other human are living them. Her birth was not driven by the desire to meet basic needs, but rather a complement and enhance efforts to meet the needs of the humanitarian degree of spiritual nature.
8. Drs Sudarmadji Art is all manifestations of mental and aesthetic experience by using the media line, shape, color, texture, volume and dark light
9. Prof. Drs Suwaji Bustomi Art is a spiritual activity aesthetic experience that is expressed in the form of having supreme power evokes a sense of awe and emotion